FRINGE 2018 – Circus/Physical Theatre – Cirque Nocturne – Empyrean Theatre, Gluttony – 4K

By Julia Cudsi

It would come as no surprise to the average seasoned Fringe-goer that adult physical theatre, or “sexy circus”, has become increasingly popular in recent years. Unfortunately, this generally means that there are the extremely good, the middle of the road, and then the very average types of shows. I must admit that I stepped into the Empyrean tent very late on a Tuesday night with a little trepidation that Cirque Nocturne would fall into the middle, if not the last, category.

I could not have been more wrong. A series of acts connected by narration from a 1940s style private investigator, Cirque Nocturne is, as promised, a noir style extravaganza of physical prowess. Including dazzling skills of aerial and floor acrobatics, juggling, magic tricks and so much more, this is truly a very entertaining circus of the night.

Is it flawless or seamless? No. There were some minor problems which were more suggestive of a smaller budget than other, big-ticket shows than of a lack of ability and talent. But overall, Cirque Nocturne was eminently watchable, very enjoyable and extremely impressive.


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