RAW: SALA – Moving Image Project – Peel Street

X ImageBy Socratos

Peel Street has been experiencing a transformation over the weekends of the SALA festival. The street has been blocked off and worked into a festival/performance space with visual and musical artists commandeering the laneway to imbue a festive atmosphere and inspire the minds of passersby and revelers. Next weekend shall be the final crowning culmination of the month long affair with the street once again being hijacked by a troupe of performers utilising music, dance and projection to create a mind altering atmosphere within the city street.

After a string of successful runs this swan-song promises to be an endearing and captivating final performance with musicians and performers at the peak of their game improvising melodies to the projected images of self projected on self, mirroring the process of movement within two different envelopes of time.

Here’s what the performers have to say about X Image (pictured);

X image installation is contained within a blackened space. The master projector beams colour scale images into pitch-blackness, as projected incarnates emerge in progression… 1, 2, 3, 4. Embodying a human landscape of visual imagery, the figures weave ghostly shadows and whisper trails whilst the viewer is invited to convene. Irrevocably, a plumed figure with wings outstretched acts as a full-scale projection screen, providing the viewer with a lucid apparition into the minds eye of the projectionist. The musicians, faces clad in black, wield a wild array of eclectic instruments, thus perpetuating the ambiguity of the installation.

The final performances shall occur at 7.30 and 9pm on Saturday, 27th of August in Peel St.

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