RAW: Hey Gracie, Time To Come Home From Italy And Answer An Important Question.


House of Assembly – 14 September 2011 In Response to Question From Leader of Opposition, Isobel Redmond.

The Hon. G. PORTOLESI: I have enormous respect for Lowitja O’Donoghue. She is a Yankunytjatjara woman, so she is very much entitled to speak about issues that are going on in the lands. In relation to the report that she prepared with Tim Costello, I understand that most of the issues (because they did not provide recommendations per se) that they highlighted have absolutely—

FROM Anangu Pitjantjatjara & Yankunytjatjara Lands Report By Tim Costello & Lowitja O’Donoghue

Key Recommendations:

Our key recommendation furthermore, is to place a person in the Lands who can unblock

service delivery, mediate family/clan disputes and clarify governance confusion with the

full mandate, legitimacy and direct access to the Premier is required. Without the full

legitimacy of the office of the Premier, the various silos of government departments and

petty clan bitterness, will subvert the coherent authority to manage essential services at a

level that will both protect lives and give minimum standards for Lands occupants. This

person needs to live on the Lands and be the honest broker desperately needed. She/he

should report directly to the head of the Department of Premier and Cabinet. They must

have powers like an ombudsman to range across every department area with access and

power to intervene and unblock resources.

The final strategic (objective six) is to develop an effective governance model for the

APY Lands. In short this is the greatest challenge and the most difficult challenge.

Already a bill has enabled fresh elections with a new chair of the APY Lands. In

democratic theory, this should provide a new mandate without the defects that saw the

Commonwealth government stop funding and withdraw support from the former

Executive. However, the probability that language groups have been instrumental in this

election, fuelling unresolved bitterness, will require a person on the APY Lands with both

the mandate of the Premier and the respect of the community to mediate differences and

help people move on and through their disappointment and personal hurt.

Secondly the review of the APY Land Rights Act along with all other relevant acts and

local government models is the critical piece of intellectual and policy work. There are

those who believe the APY Lands Council is the right governance instrument through

which all of government funding can flow. They say it just elects the wrong people!

Others believe there needs to be a clear demarcation between the APY Lands Council

which should only deal with mining companies, grant permits and deal with matters

strictly pertaining to Land as opposed to a separate peak body for welfare and service

delivery. Whatever the model finally resolved upon, it needs to clearly demarcate role,

rights and resources. Until now the confusion of the model has been its’ worst enemy

intensifying bitter clan and family disputes and the worst governance practice that

damages community morale.

etc, etc.

Looks it may be time for Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Minister Portolesi to come home from her trip to Italy and answer the question – did she mislead Parliament over the O’Donoghue / Costello Report.

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