FRINGE 2015 – Antillia – J150 Rehearsal Room – 5K

By Peter Maddern

The manipulation of the citizenry by politicians and media barons alike through the use of fear, especially of the kind generated by forces far away, is a staple of the western world; it comes with the morning milk. Antillia is a country, part Australia and part not, that is increasingly closing itself off to the outside world to keep such baddies away but as we join the cast, playing corporate up and comers and in their late twenties they delight in their schemes to keep the good things from the outside coming.

On their apartment’s small rear lawn Geoff (Kieran McNamara) and Michaela (Krystal Brock) are preparing a BBQ lunch for their friends, Anton (Vince Fusco) and Chloe (Georgie Pile.) A part of the reason for the gathering is to show off the massive new brick wall Geoff has constructed to help protect against ‘them’. However, violence erupts in nearby streets and soon after their afternoon is hijacked by a gate crasher (Adam Cirillo). From there the fears of beyond get very much turned into the fears within; exactly those types our politicians and media don’t much like holding a mirror up to.

Waxing Lyrical is a local production company and this working by Toby Rice as director, of Liam Ormsby’s play is somewhat flawless. McNamara as a control freak, menacing and delightful as it suits, is superb. Pile’s Chloe as an intelligent but domineering spouse similarly crafts mixes of charm with venom and Adam Cirillo is a study of being the face of evil, denied the voice that may present another side to his world.

It is great to see that amongst the drudge of the Garden and Croquet Club the Fringe can still produce the type of production for which it was always intended. If there is one fault in Antillia it is the team has under-estimated the potential audience appeal of the show. This theatre cannot be recommended too highly – extraordinarily strong in all its elements.
Kryztoff Rating 5K

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