Lost Lives – Holden Street – 3.5K

By Ben Watson

A blood-stained bed idles the stage floor as the audience awaits the hard-hitting two-hander to come, Lost Lives. The vacant mattress marks the brutal death of a young woman, Jane Kelly. On the verdict day of her murder trial, an unlikely forensic cleaning duo begin their work – an elderly lady nearing her tether and a young Muslim boy. Despite Immediate friction between the pair, as the story progresses, similarities become apparent while mutually shared hardships emerge. Both characters struggle with loneliness and finding a sense of belonging in a morbid field of work and an ever-evolving society. A clever script normalizes the abnormal (domestic violence, murder) in order to highlight the subliminal challenges experienced by all.

a close up of a book

Humour seeps through the bleak plot in the form of both intergenerational and cultural conflict. Among the contrasting factors, a seemingly cold environment evolves into a safe space for intimate, vulnerable discussions. Unexpected twists and turns await as the story unfolds.

Frontline investigators aside, this drama offers an interesting perspective from the unsung cleaners of every grisly crime-scene. A thought-provoking play, delivering a pertinent message –  of moving beyond racial, cultural and generational stereotypes, embracing everyday commonalities. Simply put – don’t judge a book by its cover. Recommended for ages 18+, violent themes.


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