Fringe Circus & Physical Theatre – Barbaroi – Ukiyo at Gluttony – 3K









By Belle Dunning

AfterDark Theatre’s production of ‘Barbaroi’ is a solid performance that showcases a range of physical theatre acts in a fun and intimate setting. 

Although it followed the standard circus format, with different acts showing off the skills of each of the cast members, as a small show it has that feeling of a being a little more real, with the performers right up close to you. The cast had genuine talent and the show played with some novel ideas in its use of props, including the suspended straps shown on the promotional poster and backlight perspex stands. 

It still feels like a new show and seems to be finding its feet, with the interludes between acts a little over-dramatised and some of the acts not yet cleanly executed. Not that this seemed to affect the audience, who were right behind the performers and cheered them on when they tried again and succeeded at a stunt! For me, it didn’t live up to the reviews posted on the website that described it is a ‘daring and exhilarating’ show (or the description as a cabaret), but it’s still good, solid physical theatre.

Barbaroi is an enjoyable and affordable night out for circus-lovers, and is showing almost every night for the rest of the Fringe.

Kryztoff Rating 3K

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