FRINGE – A Doll’s House – Nexus – 1.5K

By Fiona Gardner

Nexus Theatre has some technician labor that is clearly not up to a professional standard, which left this quirky cabaret with the presenter stripping down with one breast and with a red star left hanging out.

Apart from the technical problems that this show faced, with a few trips that were made, plus the confusion between what cabaret is and a strip show, there were some highlights. One was when the main burlesque dancer who dances with a python, making an impressive feature as the snake wraps around her tiny body.

The last act is pure creativity, with lots of bears sewn together that make one big human size bear. A must see for your own real understanding of what this animal is trying to portray, his mother defiantly proud of his son.

Not to forget the impersonation of Julia Gillard who climbs on top of Kevin Rudd, with a strip show and some knickers that you can cast your vote in. I enjoyed the song about a red headed who can get it done. Other than those few numbers, I found the rest to be a bit of a dull cat walk and false strip show.

Kryztoff Rating  1.5K

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